Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Jordan broke his thumb last Tuesday! The school called me at work and told me he hurt his thumb and he said it was pretty painful and the office lady said it was swollen. I called my mom and luckily she was able to take a quick break to pick him up at school and take him home. She gave him advil and ice and we carried on. I even asked him several times to try and get his glove on to see if he'd be able to play in the tournament this weekend. Once he actually did and then he tried to catch a ball and it REALLY HURT! Thursday night I noticed the swelling was pretty much the same and there was now some bruising too. Friday morning we went to Kaiser and found out he broke it! Poor kid he's out of baseball for at least three to four weeks and no more PE at school for the rest of the year. AND... he can't even play video games since it is his thumb. Bummer! He was pretty shocked that it was broken. He was playing dodge ball and as he caught the ball it bent his thumb back pretty bad obviously. While he was getting ready for a cast he told me that he wasn't going to tell anyone who threw the ball that broke it, he didn't want that kid to be able to say he broke his thumb! So funny. Luckily we didn't just have the hottest days of the year this weekend. OMG! Oh well. I think for having two very active boys we have been pretty lucky in the bone breaking department!

Getting his cast! At this point he was happy with the cast! He missed school all day.The pictures were from my phone so they are a little fuzzy, sorry.