Sunday, November 30, 2008

Birthday for Drew and Graydon at Ice Creamery

So, I forgot my camera in the car at the ice creamery, but thank you Mom and Dad for treated us all to dinner. I love that ice cream luckily you don't live closer or we might eat there more often! Here are the "Super Dorks" and Maddox. Let me explain somebody showed Jordan how to make these as he calls them "gangster S's", and then he taught Drew. Now they make them all over everything because they think it's so cool. So first Drew had Jordan make one on his back, then Drew did one on Jonah's back, then they asked Graydon if he wanted one too, and of course he did. Drew made one on his back too. Then they came up with this idea that it stood for Super Dorks and they flew around the house like superman for a while following each other and giggling. Such cheap entertainment.


Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for taking my boys for the day. They had fun being with everyone and hanging out.

I've Gone To The Darkside....

I always like to change up my color, since it's fall/winter I chose to do a darker brown. Just fun to choose whatever color we want.

Drew's SEVEN!

We celebrated Drew's birthday with an army themed party. He is so into the whole army guys, and playing army. We had a plan, well Tim had a plan, since I just had my surgery I was taken a back seat at this party as much as possible. He took the boys in the dark across the street to the high school football field to play some game called capture the flag. Apparently it didn't go as planned and it turned into a free-for-all tackle game in the wet grass. Then my boys got a little too serious and Tim had to call it quits. Then the kids came in for pizza,cake and presents. Three kids stayed the night and they had a great time. Wow, I can't believe that my baby is seven already!

Jordan's Final Football Game

Jordan had his last game and they won the championship. These kids some of them have been on the team for three years have won every year for the past three years so they were very happy to carry on the title. Jordan had a great year. He was definitely the little guy maybe only two kids smaller than him, but he held his ground most of the time. There were a few time I saw him get flattened as if he were invisible, but he had fun and how lucky he's been in his sports to have always at least gone to the championship and taken it or came in second for all years baseball and football. It hopefully makes it more fun for him. How 'bout them niners!
This is Jordan on the very bottom of the picture, #20.

So.... now baseball has begun. Jordan is going to play travel ball this year. He is going to play for a guy who coached him on an All-Star team when he was seven, Ron Nelson. He has several of the kids from that team 4 years ago actually. They are the Hurricanes. Ron actually started a blog for them so if it is anything interesting I'll post the link.